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Monday, April 18, 2011

Student Tuition

I'm a junior. 

Which means theoretically, I have 4 quarters left until I graduate. Which means I have been in college for 4 semesters and 2 quarters (Freshman and Sophomore year were spent at a junior college). < Because of this very true fact, I was able to save myself and my parents money. I paid approximately $600 per semester my first 2 years of school. Now I'm at a California State University where my tuition is roughly $1800 per quarter.

I can't complain though. I have friends who are attending schools with close to or over $20,000 in tuition. This is also the approximate amount of what a NY Times article is saying the average student loan debt of a college student acquires in a 4 year time period (Exact amount is $24,000)

Want to know how much debt I have? So far, $4500. Thankfully for me, between my parents and an amazing scholarship program I am part of, I will graduate in 2012 without the burden of debt as I enter the real world- of course when I say this, I mean excluding my credit card debt (about $200) , but I'm not worried about that either.

My concern is for my fellow students and the unnecessary/unfair pressure that is put on them to pay these high loans. If all a student is trying to do is succeed in higher education, why would the government continue to require loans instead of issuing more grants? Part of the problem lies with the college system in general and the insatiable need to make up for any money that they may want or lose, by sticking it to the students with a higher tuition. 

By next quarter, tuition at my own school will be raised by 10%. That's a huge increase. It will only go up from there. We need to take back our education and demand lower tuition costs. College should be affordable for everyone, not something that we will still be paying for years and years later. You can put a price on education and unless someone stands up to the increases that cause more debt, this price will only continue to rise.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Hello Blogging World!

This blog will be a temporary addition to my life. Please feel free to follow me! If I like your blog, I will definitely do the same haha I will blog about anything and everything. But for now, I leave you with a 2 year old video of my brother and I trying to make a video for my mom for Mother's Day that pretty much went wrong. Stay tuned for more posts!
